Monday, February 20, 2006

Just a few notes to try and tell you what is happening

First up the msn group was disabled by msn after less than a week. It still shows as disabled not as deleted but I assume this means the same thing. Yahoo adult groups last a few months but msn groups seem to fare worse.

I still have the blog

And have now set up a Google group

This has no file or photo section but does seem to store messages with up to a 1 mb attachment. It is set up as an adult group and hopefully Google will not kill it off. Will spend sometime over the next few days working out how to get it to do the best for myself and its members.
For a few weeks all being well I will post on both. I was encouraged by the comments of people who joined the msn group to keep going but have to say the loss of the groups makes me wonder if it is worthwhile. Setting up a group takes time and making one work even more. Please join the Google group and post stuff and make comments because if it is just me I cannot see the point!
As for my stuff I have quite a few of my own stories to post and quite a few people have sent me or I have found. As for photos I have loads un-posted so will try and sort them and post the best.

I think you can divide members of the old yahoo group up into

Producers – people who write their own stories or take their own photos.
Collectors – obviously people who collect other peoples work.
Commentators – encourage and comment on posts
Lurkers – hide away in the background.

I place myself as a producer (my own stories – badly written F+/m stuff but with a kink few writers seem to follow and when they do they always do better than I do!) and a collector (several hundred stories and a couple of thousand photos on my hard drive most of which was on one of the 14 yahoo groups I used to have before they were killed off!). The yahoo groups had a few producers and a few collectors. The problem was only a few commentators and far too many lurkers.
Therefore can I ask you to join the Google group and visit the blog if you like what was on the old groups but please try and be at least a positive commentator and not a lurker all the time.

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