Wednesday, February 08, 2006

yahoo and I

Yahoo have killed off my yahoo group women in power and deleted my yahoo id. This is second time they have done this so I do not really want to set up another yahoo group as it is a waste of time.
I am now at at least for a little time.

I would be gratful if my e mail freinds and contacts could send me an e mail as my address boook has once again gone and I had stupidly failed to back it up.

Has anyone any ideas of where I could set up an adult group that allows other people apart from me to poat and has space for stories and photos? the blog seems only to let me post unless i am missing something. I am not going to bother with another yahoo group as they are killed off far to fast to make it worth the literally hunderds of hours needed over a year to run one.

Any help or messages gratfully received.


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