Monday, January 09, 2006

Extracts from a Scottish study in Glasgow concerning female sexual assaults on males in non-family situations.

Thanks to Paul for permision to post this and other posts on this topic he has on his hard drive

Extracts from a Scottish study in Glasgow concerning female sexual assaults on males in non-family situations.
…This study follows up on work previously undertaken by Dr P. Sarrel and others… The main purpose is to provide counselors with examples and statistics on female abuse of males and also of the impact of that abuse on the perpetrator and victim…20% of the women reported using physical force, 27% the threat of physical force, and 9% a weapon to obtain sexual contact with a male partner in a recent US study…. We have used a variety of methods to study the cases shown below including school, police, college and hospital records. As well as that we have taken testimony from a variety of sources to examine the problem… Some studies indicate up to 25% of forced sexual cases are female to male however we believe the figure to be substantially lower much more in the region of 2 to 3% however we have only examined cases where either physical force or blackmail were used. If emotional blackmail is considered the percentage would obviously rise but we considered that the boundaries of this behaviour borders on normal sexual interactions and are beyond the scope of this study… however if our lower figure is accepted as a cross Scottish figure it would still mean a substantial amount of cases…. Our rough figures indicate several thousand sexual assaults by women on men with over a thousand of them being by groups of females across Scotland every year…We note without surprise the lack of convictions in court for these offences… this is again beyond our study but may be of interest to police and legal sources… our study of police records indicates that the issue of consent and belief by the investigating officers halted all prosecutions… we have divided out study into
(a) Teenager to teenager assaults.
(b) Teenage girl groups to teenager assaults.
(c) College female to male assaults.
(d) College and sports team assaults on males.
(e) Adult female to male assaults.
(f) Adult female groups to male assaults.
These six groupings cover most none family sexual assaults and we have also ignored for the purposes of this study all assaults where the age gap between the parties was over five years or where they arose from a males employment such as assaults on male strippers and barmen…. We also ignore assaults where the main perpetrators were male or the woman was coerced into involvement…these assaults would seem to have according to other studies a much more serious impact on the victim than female only assaults but the scope of this is again beyond this study…. also we have ignored examples where a group of men were abused… Our study includes many examples of the more serious types of assault as these are much more likely to be reported to hospitals and the relevant authorities…our study was focused on Glasgow but examples are given of assaults from other areas of the country where we were able to gather evidence for them… we finish our report by studying the testimony of several women who have by their own admission been involved in assaults on men….

Table of results.
. …. We defined an assault as having taken place as a minimum when a female touched without the consent of a male his penis or testicles. This does not include touching of the anus or of a males genitals though his clothing or kissing as some US studies do. However we did include in the figures cases where a man was made to strip by force or was stripped by force even if no physical contact took place when he was naked. For a case to be in the forced intercourse figure during that assault or during a latter assault the man inserted in penis into at least one females vagina without his consent…. We took a broad view of consent and only excluded cases where intercourse took place at a latter time or place to the assault and where there was no hint of blackmail. We also believed the comments made by males either to the relevant authorities or to ourselves without question unless there was strong evidence to the contrary. However cases where the male engaged in sexual feats involving five or more orgasms in twenty-four hours were excluded, as were ones where damage to the male according to medical records was less than his story would indicate. We accept therefore that it is likely that several of these cases are fantasies but we believe we have done our best to remove such cases …The number of assaults we had reported in each category were
Total % forced intercourse % harmful %
Teenager to teenager assaults. 118 36 67 56 10
Teenage girl groups to teenager assaults. 42 13 12 29 8
College female to male assaults. 70 21 41 59 6
College and sports team assaults on males. 33 10 24 73 12
Adult female to male assaults. 33 10 25 76 50
Adult female groups to male assaults 30 9 26 86 33

The figures above are highly distorted by the ease of getting accurate reports of assaults and differences in sample sizes and reporting times…It is unlikely that most assaults occur either at school or at college but more likely that such assaults are much more likely to be discovered or reported…. Glasgow universities for example have several ways where assaults can be reported and also where men can get confidential medical check up’s… In addition we interviewed more students than non-students about their sexual experiences of female aggression distorting the figures once more… we therefore suspect that adult female to male assaults is in reality likely to be the largest of the three figures… however the large number of teenage girl assaults recorded indicates to our mind a change in behaviour among younger girls… Indeed over 97% of the females involved were under the age of 25…. We also feel the increase in percentage of assaults leading to intercourse with age is however likely to be correct… we are however highly dubious that 32% of assaults involve a group of girls and believe that this reflects the fact that such assaults are easier to discover… indeed if you take assaults that were carried out on a victim more than once the percentage of single person assaults increases from 68% to over 85%… the figure for males suffering either some problems or serious problems after an assault is also highly distorted. Obviously victims who suffer harm are much more likely to report the case or to come to the attention of the authorities. We believe the correct figure is probably between 3 and 6% or possibly even lower. If we are correct interestingly this figure is much lower than the percentage of state that the assault had a positive affect on them. However the study did find several examples where men had suffered significant mental problems following an assault as found by Dr Sarrel’s study…however as in this study we do not use the statistics above apart from to indicate to the more dubious general readership that female assaults on men occur and are of a sexual nature and indeed as evidence that in the last ten years the number of such assaults has increased significantly.

Teenager to teenager assaults.
This was the category with the most assaults recorded however it is likely not to be the most common form of assault as educational records and personal testimony makes this the most reported to us. In only 58 of the cases were we able to make an assessment of the impact on the male. In 48% of these cases the impact was insignificant or positive and in 41% minor. In 5% of cases the assault caused some problems and in 5% it was serious. The problems included problems with relating to girls and sexual confusion. In the 5% of cases defined as serious it involved a serious loss of self-esteem and major social problems that affected the victims functioning as a person. Examples to show the range of cases include-
Case A
Young male physically assaulted by a girl during school. Both were punished for fighting. Later she threatened him and forced him to take her on several dates. During the dates she made him engage in petting and ignored his comments that he did not want to. On a latter date she masturbated him and made him give her oral sex. When he refused to date her again she physical assaulted him kicking him several times between the legs. He agreed to date her and on the next date she demanded sex and assaulted him when he refused. Eventually he agreed and they had sexual intercourse and oral sex three times that evening. This continued for several weeks until she agreed he did not have to date her any more. The now a college student classified the assault as causing him some problems listing as an example his problems with relating to women and depression. He was offered and accepted counselling.
Case B
Young male threatened by an even younger girl with violence from her older siblings. Forced to give the girl a striptease show and oral sex on several occasions. Also on one occasion to allow her to masturbate him and to give him oral sex. On another occasion after giving her oral sex she made him dress in her clothing and have his penis and testicles painted. Abuse stopped after several weeks and the boy now a young adult classified the abuse as serious. He has been in trouble with the police for drunkenness and violence including an indecent assault on a girl. Now having therapy as part of a community service order.
Case C
Young male physically assaulted and verbally bullied by young girl. After sometime the assaults became more sexual and involved deliberate scratching of his penis and squeezing of his testicles. After the girl clamed sexual assault by him it was agreed he should transfer schools. He was also given specialist counselling. This was offered to the girl who turned it down.
Case D
A young male refused to date a young girl as he claimed she was fat and ugly. In revenge after a school disco she assaulted him and dragged him into a field where she pulled his clothing off. She then sexually assaulted him until he agreed to co-operate. She made him undress her and kiss her breasts and then give her oral sex. She then sexually assaulted him and then made him lie on the ground and they had sexual intercourse. The next day he reported this to his head of year and she investigated the allegation. The girl denied it all but was not believed by the teacher but apart from monitoring the situation no further action was taken nor did the boy seem to suffer any long-term harm according to the teacher concerned.
Case E
Male forced by a girl three years younger to become her boyfriend after she threatened him with a knife and with violence from her older brothers. They dated for two years and throughout this time she frequently threatened him even though she never actually assaulted him. Sexually they had mutual masturbation, oral sex, sexual intercourse and anal sex over the two years but according to the young man it was the girl who was in charge and made the running. Several times she threatened him when he either did not want sex or wished not to experiment with a particular technique. The relationship ended when he went to college. He claims now that the relationship caused him only a few minor problems and turned down an offer of more specialist counselling.
Case F
Young male forced by drunken girl at party at knifepoint to strip and then give her oral sex. He claimed it had no effect on him but made him feel helpless at the time.
Case G
Young male confronted by young girl at a party who ripped her top off and told him that unless he did as she wanted she would tell the police it was him. He agreed to go into room where both got naked and they had sexual intercourse three times. He claims now that this had no negative effect on him at all.
Case H
A young male physically assaulted by an unattractive older girl until he agreed to become her lover. He was a virgin but she made him lie on the ground and she had sexual intercourse with him and then made him give her oral sex. This assaults was repeated over a dozen times by the girl and she as well as sexual intercourse and mutual oral sex used a sex toy to give him anal sex and also to perform other sexual acts he describes as perverted. The boy now a student claims that while at the time he found her actions distasteful the experience did him no harm and that when he latter found a girl he liked his experiences with her meant he was able to love her better.

Teenage girl groups to teenager assaults.
This category had the lowest number of cases ending in forced intercourse… many of these cases involved the removal of the victims clothing and subsequent humiliation. In only 12 of the cases were we able to make an assessment of the impact on the male. In 75% of these cases the impact was insignificant or positive and in 16% minor. In only one case was the impact serious. Examples to show the range of cases include-
Case A
Young male stripped and sexually assaulted by a group of young girls. He was then dressed in female clothing and covered in make up before one of the girls masturbated him. He was then forced to kiss various girls breasts, feet, bottoms and vaginas giving one girl oral sex. Afterwards he suffered nightmares about the assault and could not cope when teased about it. He was suspended from school for assaulting one of his attackers and then refused to attend school for over a year. An older man then sexually assaulted him at a party. He was given counselling but then got into trouble for selling drugs and was sentenced to a young offender’s institute.
Case B
Young male stripped and sexually assaulted by a group of young girls in a girls bathroom. He was then masturbated and given oral sex before being made to give oral sex to three girls. His naked body was then painted before being released still naked. Now a student he claims the assault was unpleasant but at one level very enjoyable and that he suffered no long-term effects. In fact he believes it was positive as his ability to give a girl oral sex was recognized and got him several girlfriends.
Case C
Young male stripped by a group of young girls in a classroom and then had his groin painted. The next week he was stripped by the same girls again and several weeks latter a group of younger girls stripped him. Now a student he claims he suffered nothing from the assaults and in fact regards the assaults as a ‘joke and ‘fun’.
Case D
Male lost a game of strip poker and was made to kiss various parts of the winning girls bodies. He was then sold his own clothes the price being that he gave oral sex to four of the girls. Latter in return for photos of his humiliation he was made to give oral sex on five occasions to between three and five girls while naked and to allow them to masturbate him several times. He claims the assaults had no effect on him at all but does have a history of alcohol related violence but the probation officer made no connection to the sexual abuse he suffered.
Case E
A young male lost a mixed group game of strip poker and was left by the other males with four girls with him naked. They forced him to dance naked and kiss their feet and then their bottoms through their underwear. He was then made to masturbate before giving two of them oral sex. They then painted his testicles and during this one of the girls masturbated him. He claims to have suffered no negative effects from the assault.

College female to male assaults.
The figures in this category are slightly distorted by 14 cases where a girl placed her hands in a male’s trousers at a disco or similar. If these are ignored the figure for cases leading to intercourse rises to 74% as for other adult assaults. In 51 of the cases were we able to make an assessment of the impact on the male. In 62% of these cases the impact was insignificant or positive and in 32% minor. In 4% of cases the assault caused some problems and in 2% it was serious. In this case the student attempted suicide and dropped out of college. Examples to show the range of cases include-
Case A
Male student copied a girls essay and was then blackmailed by her over a period of a year. She made him on many occasions wash her clothing and also to clean her room. On several occasions she made him clean her room naked and also give her oral sex and on three occasions she masturbated him. She allowed him to copy several more essays during the year. The abuse stopped when she started a new relationship. The student concerned reported this while he was receiving counselling on his work habits. He stated that he abuse had only caused him minor problems.
Case B
Male student grabbed by large drunk girl outside a girls hall of residence and sexually assaulted by having his trousers pulled down. She then grabbed his testicles and made him follow her to her room. There she made him give her oral sex three times and twice masturbated him with her breasts. She was then sick and passed out. He reported the offence to the college the next day but she while admitting to being very drunk denied it and no further action was taken. This is one of the few cases where a male student formally reports an indecent assault and it is interesting that the police were not called. However the records do not show if this was at the students request or not.
Case C
Male student blackmailed by girl with a picture of him kissing when drunk another male. She made him on four occasions give and receive oral sex. Student stated he found the experience disturbing and was given counseling about this and other matters.
Case D
Male student physically threatened by a girl at a party and made to go into a bedroom with her and strip and then mutual masturbate each other. They then both took a class A drug before he gave her oral sex. He claimed the incident had no effect on him and it only came to light when he was receiving counselling for drug abuse.
Case E
Male student physically threatened by a girl at a party and made to kiss her breasts and then she in front of a large mixed group of students sexually assaulted him. He claimed the assault had little effect on him.
Case F
Male student started drinking with a girl. When he was drunk she took him to her room and they had sexual intercourse. The next morning he awoke to find she had tied him to her bed. He was kept there by her for the rest of the weekend and made to have sexual intercourse and oral sex on numerous occasions. He claims the only effect it had was to make him more wary about boasting to girls while drunk.
Case G
Male student admitted to being a virgin to his friends. Latter a girl drunk turned up at his room and forced herself into his room. She tied him to his bed and forced him to have sexual intercourse and then oral sex. She then released him and later that night they had more sexual intercourse and more oral sex. The man claimed the experience as positive.
Case H
A male student got drunk at a party and awoke to find he was naked and tied to a girl’s bed. She was using a sexual toy to give him anal sex and when he objected she spat at him. She kept him tied for a long time and three times had anal sex with him using the same toy. Then she made him give her oral sex and masturbated him for a long time before releasing him naked. He claimed that apart from some internal bruising of the anus he was all right.

College and sports team assaults on males.
In this category we include all college assaults by a group of girls… Many times the girls were linked by membership of a sports club. They include the largest percentage of cases of long-term serious assault reported by males…. it is likely that this is because a victim will be on the same campus as his attackers and therefore unable to keep out of their way…. In 28 of the cases were we able to make an assessment of the impact on the male. In 46% of these cases the impact was insignificant or positive and in 42% minor. In 8% of cases the assault caused some problems and in 4% it was serious. Examples to show the range of cases include-
Case A
A male student was physically and sexually assaulted, stripped and made to give oral sex on over a dozen occasions by a group of girls numbering between six and fifteen girls. In addition he was made to on several occasions give oral sex to members of this group either individually or in smaller groups. On one occasion they made him dress in female clothing and masturbate while they filmed him. The student started to suffer from depression and impotence and while he was given counselling he eventually left the college in order to escape the abuse. While his counselor suggested telling either the college authorities or the police he refused to do so.
Case B
A male student was sexually assaulted on three occasions by members of a college sports team. On each occasions he was violently stripped and made by physical threats to his groin to masturbate. Afterwards he was made to give oral sex on the first assault to eight girls and on the other two occasions to ten girls and was masturbated by them using their hands and breasts during this. On the second assault two of the girls also made him have sexual intercourse and on the third assault these two girls and two others made him have sexual intercourse until he was unable to get an erection. He claimed that apart from some bruising of his chest and testicles he was all right.
Case C
A male was sexually assaulted by members of a female sports team in a club. They pulled him outside where they stripped him and assaulted his testicles until he agreed to give six of them oral sex. Then one of the girls had sexual intercourse with him before they left him naked. He was picked up by the local police and taken home but no further action was taken as he did not want to make a fuss and told the police it was horseplay.
Case D
A male student lost a drinking game to a group of girls who claimed he was now their toy boy. For the rest of the year they made him on numerous occasions perform strip shows for them. After these shows and on many more occasions he was made to give the girls oral sex and in return was given oral sex and masturbated by the girls. As he was a virgin the girls refused to allow him to have sexual intercourse during the year. In total the man claims to have given oral sex to over thirty different girls and stripped for well over a hundred. The man claims no bad affects apart from a lack of time for his studies during the year. During the year and throughout his time in college the man worked as a male stripper and gave many examples of group female sexual assaults on his person. However we believe he consented to these assaults by accepting the work so have not included them in the study nor other assaults reported to us by other male strippers he referred us too.
Case E
A male student was pulled by a group of girls into a girls boarding area and in their kitchen he was stripped and masturbated. He was then taken to a bedroom and tied to a bed and sexually assaulted by over a dozen girls. Afterwards the girls visited him and he gave nine girls oral sex and was forced to have sexual intercourse as well with three of them. Many of the girls visited him more than once and when he could not get a full erection two of the girls used a sex toy on his anus to get him erect. Latter he was then untied and the girls painted his body and used another sex toy on his anus before letting him go. They invited him back but he did not go but claimed he knew of at least three more students they assaulted. He claimed that about from some minor discomfort his suffered no ill effects from the assault.

Adult female to male assaults.
This is almost certainly the most underreported of all the categories. Most assaults will never be reported to any authority and we believe that numerous assaults go on unnoticed. . In only 10 of the cases were we able to make an assessment of the impact on the male. In 30% of these cases the impact was insignificant or positive and in 20% minor. In 40% of cases the assault caused some problems and in 10% it was serious. The much higher figures for negative impact we believe confirm the low reporting of these sorts of assaults. Examples to show the range of cases include-
Case A
A male in his thirties who went with a woman to her flat where she produced a knife and tied him naked to a bed. She then made him give her oral sex and they had sexual intercourse until the man could not get an erection. She then physically and sexually assaulted him causing serious damage to his penis and testicles. A police investigation was made but no charges were brought. The man suffered latter from impotence and depression and was treated for a nervous breakdown.
Case B
A man in his twenties started a relationship with a girl that quickly got very stormy. She on many occasions threatened him and assaulted him. She took to demanding sexual intercourse from him when he did not want it and assaulted him if he failed to perform. As well as that she purchased several sex toys and forced him to submit to anal sex with her. When he tried to leave he was violently attacked by her and required hospital treatment. Eventually a restraining order was issued against her.
Case C
A man in his thirties left a bar with an older woman. They argued and she physically assaulted him. She them made him strip and lie on the ground. Then she removed her underwear and made him give her oral sex before seriously assaulting his testicles and penis and forcing a stick into his anus. The man required hospital treatment. To the police the woman claimed he consented and that it was a sexual game. The man did not want to bring charges so the police were forced to give her an agreed caution for drunkenness even though the investigating officer was very unhappy about this stating that he believed this was not the first time the woman had seriously sexually assaulted a man.
Case D
A man in his twenties had a relationship with a woman of similar age. She would get drunk and then physically assault him until he gave her sexual intercourse until he could not get an erection and then she would taunt him and demand oral sex. After several months he broke off with her and claimed to have suffered no long-term effects from the relationship.
Case E
A man in his twenties was waiting for a bus when an older woman physically assaulted him and stole his money. She then dragged him into a park where she made him strip and give her oral sex and in return she masturbated him three times as he did so. Afterwards the woman returned his money taking his underwear instead. He claimed to have suffered no effects from the assault claiming he found it a positive experience.

Adult female groups to male assaults
The least common category even though we believe this to be a false figure and the one with the highest percentage of forced intercourse. In only 9 of the cases were we able to make an assessment of the impact on the male. In 33% of these cases the impact was insignificant or positive and in 33% minor. In 33% of cases the assault caused some problems. Again this much higher figures for negative impact we believe confirm the low reporting of these sorts of assaults. Examples to show the range of cases include-
Case A
A man in his twenties called a group of three women fat. They physically assaulted him and removed his trousers and underwear and then taking turns to hold him by the testicles made him give them each oral sex and kiss other parts of their bodies. He was then kicked several times between the legs before they left. He missed three days of work due to testicular pain and claimed it was several weeks before he was able to function properly in bed with a woman.
Case B
A man in his twenties went with a girl to a party. He was the only man present and after sometime the women assaulted and stripped him and he was tied to a sofa. They sexually assaulted him and then made him give them oral sex and sexual intercourse frequently in pairs until he could not get an erection. Then they made him give just oral sex and various women assaulted his penis brutally. At the end of the party he was retied face down and six of the women gave him anal sex with a sex toy. He claimed that apart from some minor discomfort his suffered no ill effects from the assault and went out afterwards with three of the women.
Case C
A man in his twenties at a conference played a game of strip poker against five older women and lost. As a forfeit he was made to kiss all the women’s breasts and then in the bedroom give each of them oral sex and with three of them sexual intercourse as well. Then all the women entered the bedroom and took turns to give him oral sex while the others kissed him. Finally when he claimed to be unable to perform anymore one of them gave him anal sex with a sex toy. He was then made to give the women more oral sex, sexual intercourse and receive anal sex until he passed out. He claimed that apart from some minor discomfort to his anus he suffered no ill effects from the assault apart from needing a day to recover. Latter he had a three-month relationship with one of the women and claimed she blackmailed him into it and that sexually it involved him giving her oral sex and receiving for their mutual pleasure anal sex. Again he claimed to have suffered no long-term harm from this.
Case D
A man in his twenties was grabbed by eight girls as he left a club and taken by car to one of their flats. There he was stripped and sexually assaulted by them. Then in front of the others he was made to perform oral sex on two of them and have sexual intercourse with three of them as public entertainment for the others. He then had his groin shaved and painted before being allowed to go. The man suffered latter from impotence and was given counselling.
Case E
A man in his twenties went with an ex-girlfriend to a party. During the party she took him to a room where a group of women physically assaulted him and then stripped him and sexually assaulted him. His ex-girlfriend then gave him anal sex with a sex toy encouraged by the others who jeered and sexually assaulted him. She then sexually assaulted his testicles causing them serious bruising. He was then tied to a table and for the rest of the party various women sexually assaulted him including many women who were not part of the initial group that assaulted him. Later he was made to give at least ten women oral sex and at least six women sexual intercourse. At the end of the party his ex-girlfriend returned and made him give her oral sex before he was tied face down and she gave him anal sex once more. Afterwards he was made to give oral sex while his anus was assaulted and several sex toys were used on him until he passed out. He needed hospital treatment for damage to his testicles and anus but the police believed the women whose party it was that he had consented. Indeed this may have been what they believed as none had been in the initial group that assaulted him. Several weeks latter he was charged with assault on his ex-girlfriend and another woman and claimed it was in revenge for this assault. After some time he was cautioned and all three agreed to an injunction to keep apart.

Female multiple offenders.
Six women were interviewed who had been involved either in multiple assaults on different men or in the long-term assault of one man. One of the women was in a state of denial as to what she had done and while she admitted the truth of her ex-boyfriend’s statement clamed she had always assumed he was happy with the situation. The other five while frequently down playing the lack of male co-operation never the less agreed that they had been involved in assaults. …. Most of the women had other problems apart from indulging in assaults on males and all had suffered relationship problems at some time in the past. …. The women involved in gang assaults all highlighted the role of alcohol in the assaults even though in all cases the women had planned to assault a male at the start of the evening…. The female gangs had according to the women been active on many occasions and in all cases for a period of years and assaulted numerous males… therefore the presence of even one female gang in an area will involve a large number of male victims… however in all cases no reports to the authorities about the gangs activities had been received

Woman A
The woman now aged in her early twenties with a history of alcohol related problems including several criminal convictions. She was sent by the courts for counselling and during this admitted to being for several years a member of a female gang who regularly assaulted men usually physically and sexually. She claimed it was mainly for fun but that the assaults were also revenge on men in general. All the assaults occurred when she was out with a group of women always at least six of them and all were drinking heavily. During the evening one of the women would pick up a man and at closing time he would go off with the women. Once in one of their flats they physically and sexually assaulted him as a group. The minimum he suffered was to be stripped and sexually assaulted. However in most cases when the man was naked his testicles were assaulted until he agreed to give the women oral sex and in about a third of the cases with several of the women including Woman A sexual intercourse. If during the assault the man had an orgasm he was physically assaulted and masturbated to keep going. Woman A claimed not to be able to fully remember all that was done to their male victims but agreed that during the assault many unpleasant and perverse things were done to their victim. She excused her behaviour by claiming that the alcohol caused it and that none of the men suffered long term harm. To back this up she points out that the gang assaulted over a hundred men and none of the men reported them to the police.
Woman B
The woman was a student and replied to a circular sent out by the study group. She claimed to have sexually forced two men to have relationships with her. One was at school and the other during her first year at college. In both cases she had started the relationship and forced the pace of sexual activity. She claimed that while neither male had objected it had been her who had introduced new sexual ideas and also insisted that both men provide her with sexual services when she wanted. She claimed that she had on many occasions threatened both males with a knife to make them perform but claimed this was just part of the relationship and not an actual threat. However she did agree that both males had failed examinations and that their relationship with her could be partly to blame. She was offered and received counselling. However during this counselling she confessed to being seriously sexually abused as a young girl and dropped out of our study.
Woman C
The woman was a student and replied to a circular sent out by the study group. She claimed that for three years at school she and three other girls had made a young male sexually serve them. She claimed he was a nerdish male when the girls had first picked on him. During the first incident the woman had pretended to want to date him and taken him to her house and got him naked. Then her friends had appeared and all had sexually assaulted him and then made him perform oral sex on them all. She claimed he had done this so well that they had continued to demand him using photos they had taken of him naked to force him to agree. Latter they took photos of him wearing female clothing and masturbating on a picture of a semi naked man to blackmail him with. After several weeks all the girls made him give them sexual intercourse and they also used a sex toy of one of their mothers in his anus. She claimed he did not seriously object to their demands and always went along however perverse they were. She agreed that the girls had experimented with many things with him saying it was good to have a none boyfriend male to test techniques on. During the three years her and the other girls had all had many other boyfriends but had always used their victim as well. She estimated that he served them as a group at least twice a week and as well served her individually twice a week more and guessed the same for the other three girls. Always the sessions were a mixture of oral sex for the girls and sexual intercourse. The girls only gave the male oral sex on rare occasions. Also she claimed they always made him get naked first and mostly they stayed at least semi dressed unless was a very hot day. She claimed never to have had to physically threaten him but that the threat of the photos kept him under control. She considered what she done as wrong because they had not let him date other girls but kept him as their special friend so he had been teased about being gay but considered the sexual assaults as not a problem. She refused counselling claiming it was just part of growing up.
Woman D
The woman was a student and replied to a circular sent out by the study group. However she had failed a year and was repeating it and blamed the failure on excessive drinking. She claimed that during her first two years at college she and a variable group of female friends had abused men for entertainment and sexual gratification. She had recorded the assaults in her diary and informed us that over a two-year period she had been involved on at least a weekly basis in assaults. In total twenty-three different men had fallen victim to the girls with fourteen of them serving three or more times. She claimed that in all cases the males had volunteered but questioning revealed that the men usually were stripped and agreed to co-operate after physical pressure was applied usually to their testicles. The girl’s victims were then made to give oral sex and also sexual intercourse however Woman D claimed that most girls only wanted oral sex. She claimed no physical force was used but did reveal that if a male failed to get and keep a satisfactory erection he was sexually and physically assaulted and that she had taken part in such assaults and on several occasions had deliberately twisted a males testicles. She also admitted that she had always demanded sexual intercourse and if the male did not satisfy her enough she would usually assault either his testicles or anus. Most of the males were photographed naked and dressed in female clothing and these were used to ensure first silence and second that many of the men returned. During latter assaults frequently fewer girls were involved but the males were expected to provide a fuller range of sexual services. During the first year the girls did not indulge in anal sex but for the second year and with twelve of the males they used a sex toy to give the males anal sex with usually half of the girls abusing a male in this way. She admitted that several of the males had needed treatment for damage to the anus and to being the cause of this on at least three occasions. Also on six occasions and involving a total of five males they abused two at the same time and the men were made to give each other oral sex. Woman D claimed that no male objected claiming that most men were perverts anyway. Again however questioning revealed that threats of exposure and the use of physical force were common. In fact from her conversations it would seem that in over half of the incidents the male was subjected to serious sexual assault. However no male complained to the authorities about the girls’ actions. She was offered counselling and refused this for the sexual matters but did accept treatment for her drinking.

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