Wednesday, January 25, 2006

USA true story 1

I just recently got married to a great girl whom I had dated for a littleover a year. About 5 months before we got together, I was raped by afemale. I believe, from what I have pieced together, that I was druggedwith that "date rape drug" at a party. I was not drunk- In fact, I had hadonly a few sips of a beer and the room went black. This woman is alsoabout 100 pounds heavier than I am
It gets worse. My rapist got pregnant (she tells everyone we know that shegot pregnant on purpose too, which really upsets me), and of course I ampaying child support. I was just released from my support obligationbecause my rapist went nuts and was institutionalized, then she decided togive the child up for adoption.
All this time I have let my wife belive that I made a mistake andvoluntarily slept with this woman, and I know it must have caused her somepain, though she deals with it really well. However, I feel I need to tellher the truth.
Problem is, I talked to a therapist about it once and he just flat- outdid not believe me. He said I was just trying to cop out on myresponsibility for getting my rapist pregnant . he said that men can't beraped by women because an erection and ejaculation mean arousal andconsent. I don't even know that I HAD an erection or ejaculated!
Anyway, if a therapist doesn't believe me, am I to expect my wife to? Mywife is a very understanding and open minded person, and she believes inmen's rights as well as women's (She wrote an article last year for thelocal newspaper on men as the forgotten victims of domestic violence).
Even if she believes me, I worry that she will think I am less of a manfor being taken advantage of by a woman.
I am still worried though. I think my wife deserves to know the truth.
What do you guys think?

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