Monday, January 09, 2006

Men as Victims (from Paul)

Men as Victims

Men get raped too. Most often, they are raped by other men. However, there have been numerous recorded incidents where a man has been raped by a woman. Because of the socialization of what it means to be "a man," men raped by men are reluctant to disclose having been raped for fear of being labeled homosexual. Men raped by women fear being treated as less than a real man for allowing themselves to be overpowered by a woman. One survey (Sorenson, Stein, Seigal, Golding, Burnam, 1987) found that 7% of men have experienced at least one episode of forced sexual contact. Among college students, the incidence of sexual assaults of men by acquaintances is much higher.

An excellent resource on this topic is Male Victims of Rape written by Cindy Struckman - Johnson, Ph.D. This work can be found in: Acquaintance Rape: The Hidden Crime, edited by Andrea Parrot and Laurie Beckhofer. 1991.

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