Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Anita comment

I have been asked to comment on various aspects of our peckings. Firstly size was not important and the variation in the erect penis is less than you guys imagine. Anyway my cunt can hold a pencil and a babies head and that more than covers the size of any blokes dick (okay a babies head bloody hurts but no guys dick is anywhere as big). Secondly no I do not recall or care in what exactly we dressed each of the poor darlings in. The idea was to make them look stupid not pretty. Thirdly less we did hurt them a little but we wanted sex and fun not some sado fantasy so no we did not rip any balls off.
In my four years at college we pecked about forty boys I suppose. We struck about every third week during term time. Nearly half of our victims were just teased for a couple of hours then sent away. The rest were used for the whole weekend and the usage of Robert was typical. About a dozen boys came back for seconds and these tended to be longer sessions sometimes many days long. About half of these were done for a third time and these darlings were given housework to do. Three of them were kept working by us for two terms or more. It was nice when we had a boy maid working to just pile up the dirty clothes for him to clean. In addition many of the boys were made to please us individually and indeed three of them started long term relationships but in all cases these broke up within the year. The general opinion of the gang was that any boy who returned for a second session wanted it and looking back I think they were correct. D reckoned to tell within an hour if a victim was a good one to play with and this was one of the main reasons for chucking a guy out. Certainly throughout the four years we were active and as far as I am aware the time after I left no complaint was made about our activities. Indeed rumours about us were also virtually non existent.
We did not have lesbian sex together all the time as one sad guy seems to think. I have slept with women and enjoyed the experience but I am afraid that male lesbian sex fantasies are just that. Indeed one of the main reasons for us remaining clothed I am sure is the fact that we were prudish about our bodies with each other rather than any idea of showing dominance. Mind you I loved being dressed and not showing myself while forcing a nude boy to love me. I think I was the girl most into the on top domination sex in the group. D loved being a total cow to the boys but she also came regularly in normal sex while I found that difficult to manage. When a boy was being gang banged I suspect that his mouth got more exercise than his dick. Indeed while we did not pry into how another girl got her rocks off I believe only about half of the gang actually had penetrative sex with the sucker. Some girls like TC were very open on this saving that for their boyfriend while enjoying the babies mouth. Others preferred to be licked than screwed I myself varied but in general I started on a boy's mouth and worked down. Indeed one of the big kicks for me was using his mouth when he wanted to screw then even better making him go inside when he did not want to be screwed by me. Pecking boys was a way of bonding us together as a group who were outsiders to the usual middle class straight laced students as well as a very amusing and stimulating way to pass a dull weekend.

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